Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Think All Over Again (another concern about student's facts)

Written by Ria Alyson at 12:22 0 comments
In this era, people not only look for those who have a high degrees, a well-educated person, but also these things; skill and will.

Oh well. After long-tired weeks or probably months, I can write and start to share again about what I've already thought about. I just wanted to tell you about my whole story and its meaning behind my daily life; college.
Have you known? College seems enjoyable and easy to be faced. I believe that most of us have the same mind-set about it. We can go-back-go-back again to the campus anytime we like. Of course we also have some reasons. Maybe some of us enjoy using the free internet service. Or because there's something ---extracurricular-- to do in campus. And maybe on the other hands, they think that campus is the best place to look for "partners", yeah I guess you know about what I mean ;)
But wait, do you really know the essential meaning about being a college student? Why study in university? What would we get there? Future? Really? Most likely yes. But, nowadays we can see the fact that people who are success not only those who study in college. So? Why?
Here's I've got some concern about today's facts.
  • Studying in a university or in a college means that you'll be responsible to think logically to overcome the problems.
  • If you're a college student, I guess you've been so ready to face the consequences and its risk.
  • If we realize more, studying in university makes us different from those who aren't.
Are they wrong? Not really. Most likely we've already realized it. In this era, people not only look for those who have a high degrees, a well-educated person, but also these things; skill and will. See? Look at the fact, now. We can see "those people" who've already succeed in their own business or sector are those who have big skill and will. Education isn't the only one that influences our future/job. But there are skill and will.
So, the problem is about how to improve skill when we study in university. It's simple. Try. What kind of try? 
  • Seek your skill. There are so many skill in human's personal. Every single person has their own characteristics. Is it singing? Writing? Speaking? Dancing? Programming? Or?
  • Make-up your skill. Already found it? Let's move! If you like singing, go to a music studio, singing course, and so on.
  • Lift your skill up. Done with the make-up. Now it's your time to lift it up and be confident! Doing your skill in part time makes you feel more confident and enjoy. So, slow but sure, you'll need a time to show it off!
  • Show off your skill. It's different with "arrogant" or whatever you call it. Show off means you should tell the world about what you've got already and what you've done so far. Go looking for some competitions and join it. Try to not to be shy! You'll love to show it off because you've got your own skill that you love at much!
  • Continuously done. Do it, do it, do it again. Until you can earn money from your skill! Ah it's the climax part! You'll feel enjoy and find it interesting to do every time.
So far, that tips believed by my friends and some of them already done it. I thought those are simple ways and I believe you've also known about it. I flash-you-back and remind you to keep moving and don't stop walking to reach your dreams. So, beside you're studying in the university, you can also improve your skill whenever you have a free stock of time, and wherever you are. Be a well-educated and well-skilled person ahah! That's all~ :) *smoooooooooooch*

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

This is, what I think about... *actually it's about my concern*

Written by Ria Alyson at 17:22 0 comments
"RELATIONSHIP happens when to persons love, give, share, spread, and face the problems together. Also has a strong commitment between both persons.." -Alyson^^

Sometimes I think that relationship is only about love, love, and love. Dating, dating, and dating. And you may say "Love is always related to something xxx (You-Know-It)"

Basically, relationship is just a status or symbol. Oh, shit why did I say that?

Wait, I just said what I've seen lately. Sometimes people feel alone when they get no relationship (read: boyfriend or girlfriend), oh yeah right.

Oh guys, don't you realize? If you have friends, it means that you have relationship. You share each other, you love your friends and you face your problems together with'em. It's most likely best-friend. It's also a kind of relationship.

Please, please.. no more sadness when you have no boyfriend or girlfriend. You can share anything with your friend, family, and everybody right around you.
You can easily hang out with them, right? But now let's see..

Means you should be ready for all the risk and consequences. Sad. Tears. Broken. Be Lied.'s fun, I know. We can go somewhere we want with him/her. We can get attention. We can text/call all day long. We can meet him/her whenever we miss. We can aheeeem...kiss..hug..whatever you call it.

I'm sad. Sad. Why?
Nowadays youth get broken and have no motivation to study (read: future) because of this case, love (read:dating). It's sick, mates!
No.. I won't judge the young couple here. I just share what I think :'3 NO OFFENCE~

C'mon wake up guys!
Every single person has already had their own couple. As a proverb said, "...the flank can't be wrong placed.."
So, just believe in God, He doesn't give you what you need, but He gives you the best for you! Trust me ;)
Keep "Live While We're Young", Have Fun, Smile, and Cheeeeeeers! No more sad, please. I won't see you sad or even cry :)

I LOVE YOU ALL *smooooooch as always*

Tips For Girls: How To Make Your Crush Fall in Love With You!

Written by Ria Alyson at 16:44 0 comments
Today, I'd like to share such a tips for you, girls, to make your crush fall in love with you. Here, you don't need to tell him about your true feelings, but just do this right way! I believe, these way can easily make him comfort beside you! :)

 Here's the way:

  1. Text him a message. Not too often. But once or twice a day to give a "soft" attention for him. You can text him "Good Morning, success for your test :)" and some others or ask for his condition.
  2. If you go with him, try to not to be hyperactive, but you can start the conversation by asking for his today's job and then if you get no topic to be talked, you both can talk about hobbies, music, and anything that he would love to talk. I mean, get the topic which is also same with his interest.
  3. If he helps you, don't forget to say thanks and give a big smile for the help. Boys or man like compliment.
  4. If you meet him somewhere, you can greet him by saying that he looks cool. Tell him you like his style that day. Same, cause they love to be complimented.
  5. Sometimes, you can ask for his help. But be careful, not to be often! They'd love to be your heroes and they'll think that they're responsible enough to help you. They love to be trusted!
That's all :D
What? Only 5 ways?
No, I'll give you more 20 ways in the next day.
So, don't forget to visit this page EVERYDAY hehe cause I'll give you more tips and secrets about Boys&Girls.
See ya later *smoooooooch*

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Shitty Quotes Part 2 Plus Image!

Written by Ria Alyson at 03:49 0 comments

Oh, hi guys.
Here, I wanna give you some quotes that I made by myself. This is original quotes came from my mind and yeah NO PLAGIARISM I guess. But maybe I was inspired by the others quote in the internet. You may use my quotes for Facebook covers, Twitter, Profile Pictures and yeah of course somewhere you like^^
And for your info, the next day (always next day) I certainly give you all daily or maybe weekly or maybe monthly or...annual quotes *kidding :D
But I promise I'll give and share the quotes for you :)
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, check it out^^

ENJOY yo!!

See the words? :)

Shitty Quotes Part 1^^

Written by Ria Alyson at 02:50 0 comments
What's up mate? Gimana kabar para korban sakit hati & korban galau nih? Well, as you see, dibaca dari judulnya sih katanya artinya kutipan tentang cinta sih. Tapi, ati-ati aja deh siapa tau kutipan kurang ajar ini malah bikin kalian makin ngedrop. Selamatbersakit-sakit bercinta ya! ^^

Cinta itu ibarat handphone. Kalo belinya yang China, pasti dijualnya murah deh.
Artinya, jangan jadi murahan kalo ga mau dimurahin lagi. Easy come = easy go, bray. Belilah handphone yang bagus luar dalem. Biarpun mahal, tapi kualitasnya dijamin dan guaranteed dong~ 
Simpan duit buat beli handphone mahal = usaha mati-matian buat dapetin si doi sampe akhirnya susah lepas lagi.

Cinta itu tidak buta dan tidak tuli.
Faktanya cinta itu bisa membedakan mana "Honda Jazz" dan "Honda Beat" *quote dari dosen kece. Dan mirisnya, bisa membedakan mana suara "pejantan" dan "betina" *-*

Cinta adalah rasa tanggungjawab dimana dua insan saling memberi tumpangan ke kampus, membayari makan siang di kantin, dan menghabiskan waktu bersama doi di salon maupun mall.
Kutipan diatas adalah fakta. Nyata. Dermatological tested. Jika kalian ingin bercinta  berpacaran sebaiknya siapkan budget dan kendaraan serta mental yang layak agar nantinya tidak shock jika pacar Anda masuk dalam daftar nama-nama kekasih "pengeretan" ^^

Kebahagiaan tidak selamanya datang dari cinta. Namun cinta adalah salah satu sumber kebahagian termurah, terenak dan terpraktis yang terdapat dimana-mana.
Emang bener kok lads, kalo cinta itu merupakan salah satu tujuan bahagia seseorang. Terkadang dengan cinta kita merasa nge-fly, sinting, euphoria, dan parahnya cinta terkadang ga tau malu tiba-tiba merenggut kebahagiaan yang baru aja kita peroleh huhuhuhu, cedih qaqa~

Ahem, okay fine.
Berhubung ini udah jam malam, cukup segini dulu deh kutipannya.
Kutipan ini 98,99% asli muncul tiba-tiba dari relung hati yang paling dalam. Sisanya itu dateng dari ingatan waktu dosen IC ngisi kelas waktu itu.
Yah guys, gue harap dengan adanya kutipan yang bener-bener ga jelas ini, kisah cinta kalian makin ga jelas juga ya. Dan gue harap lama-kelamaan kalian pun sadar kalo sebenernya hidup ga semua tentang cinta. Tapi cinta adalah kisah tentang hidup kita yang terkadang berasa manis seperti gula, pahit seperti obat, asem kecut seperti lemon tea, dan unpredictable seperti kotak coklat :)
So, intinya "JUST LIVE", hiduplah sebagaimana kalian seharusnya hidup.
Keep Movin' Mates! ;)


Written by Ria Alyson at 02:45 0 comments
"Mama, aku rindu padamu.."

Lagi-lagi gadis itu hanya bisa mendekam di kamar kecilnya. Jika dilihat dari luar, kamarnya itu tampak seperti tak ada tanda-tanda kehidupan di dalamnya. Sepi. Nyatanya, walaupun di dalam si gadis mungil sedang bercerita pada dirinya sendiri, tetap saja suasana haru menyelimuti sekitarnya.

Semalam suntuk si gadis terus berbicara pada dirinya. Ia selalu saja mengucap kalimat yang sama. “Mama, aku rindu padamu..”, kalimat itu yang perlahan keluar dari bibirnya yang nampak pucat. Kesepian, mungkinkah yang ia rasakan saat itu? Ya. Dia kesepian. Di kamarnya ia tak mendengar suara tawa lagi. Ia hanya mendapati keharuan dan kemalangan. Ia merasa seperti hidup di dunia ini sendiri. Masalahnya apa? Ia tak bisa mengutarakan  itu, di pikirannya, ia hanya teringat tentang mamanya.

Mama, semoga cahaya bulan ini
menemani lelapmu, ya..
Dan lebih lagi, malam itu ia dibuat jengkel oleh kekasihnya. Sama sekali tak ada kabar dari pujaan hatinya itu. Apa yang ia rasakan kini semakin kuat. Kerinduan untuk mamanya. Ia seolah ingin sekali mendekap mamanya saat itu. Namun apa daya, jarak membentang memisahkan mereka.

“Mama, aku rindu padamu..”, dan lagi-lagi. Ia bercerita mengenai kerinduannya pada ibunya. Andai saja kini dia tidak sendirian, mungkin rasa itu lenyap dengan sendirinya. Oh, ya. Gadis itu kemudian menarik selimut sembari menitikkan air mata. Kemudian ia kembali bercerita, “Selamat malam Mama, selamat istirahat, semoga cahaya bulan disana menjagamu. Aku rindu padamu...” Dan disitulah ia mendapati Mama-nya tersenyum dalam mimpi indah gadis mungil yang kini telah tiada.

Who am I?

Written by Ria Alyson at 02:00 0 comments
Hello guys!
This is my THIRD blog I've ever made. No, not THIRD actually. But maybe the 100th blog uuugh.
Well, gue udah bikin banyak blog sih sebelumnya. Dan dari blog-blog sebelumnya itu banyakan repost dan curhat. Ah, kurang greget.
Tapi, kalau misalnya blog cuma berisi cerita buatan sendiri juga udah terlalu mainstream kan? Maka dari itu gue bikin blog ini buat membenahi kekurangan blog-blog sebelumnya aja sih.

Nah, apa yang mau gue bahas di blog ini?
Banyak deh pokoknya. Dan pastinya bakalan bikin greget para readers dunia maya haha!

Oh, wait.
I promise to tell you about me. 
My name? Probably I won't tell about this one. I'm just a high-quality stalker and yeah of course I'm a heart-breaker, wow!
Guys, stop being negative thinker! I'm stalking a lot about anything I need to stalk x)
Jeez. Sudahlah, intinya gue adalah seorang stalker yang suka menulis ceritanya di alat digital berukuran empat belas inch lol

Ah iya! Gue sebenernya bukan penulis handal, atau terlalu fanatik dalam dunia tulis-menulis. Gue cuma jadiin menulis sebagai emmm..pelampiasan aja sebenernya.
Terlalu biasa kalau curhat ke orang lain tentang masalah pribadi dan belum tentu orang-orang jadi pendengar yang baik dan memberikan solusi.
That's why gue lebih suka neken-neken tombol di laptop kemudian mem-publish hasil tekenan keyboard itu dan well, akan dibaca oleh visitors di dunia ini!
Yah, walaupun sama halnya -gak akan dapet solusi sama seperti curhat- tapi seenggaknya kalo orang lain baca cerita gue, disitu ada semacam personal satisfaction gitu deh.

Dan, part yang paling penting adalah....tulisan ini tidak akan sia-sia dan akan selalu menjadi kisah sendiri nantinya *halah
Oh, dan kenapa gue namain blog ini "Titik Dua Bintang"?
Haha, simple. Because I want you to feel my kiss in this blog *smoooooch!*

Ah, udah kali ya segitu aja. Ga penting juga apa yang gue tulis. Then, selamat menikmati blog ini aja deh. Hope you like and enjoy it! *bighug!*


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