Monday 3 February 2014


Written by Ria Alyson at 13:15 0 comments
Month of love 
Februari, ya? Kata orang sih bulan yang juga di juluki “MOTHER MONTH OF LOVE” ini adalah bulan dimana insan manusia banyak yang ngobral bagi-bagi atau menyebarkan cinta gitu deh. Katanya sih. Katanya. Mungkin karena emang bulan ini ada suatu tanggal keramat yang di percaya adalah tanggal dimana anak cucu adam, sepasang kekasih, sahabat, teman, LDRan, hubungan tanpa status-an, friendzone-an, saling memberi hadiah pada tanggal itu. Identiknya tanggal yang dinamai “hari valentine” itu bernuansa pinky dan coklat gitu. Biar manis mungkin ya? Tapi kalau manisnya kebanyakan juga jadi paiiitt kan? Ha ha ha. Ya gitu lah, cinta, awalnya manis entar lama-kelamaan juga manisnya ilang, atau kata Raditya Dika istilah kerennya alias lebih nyeseknya yaitu kadaluwarsa^^

Ah, ngga mau bahas masalah sakit hati dan galau dulu ah. Bulan ini waktunya have fun dulu. Kenapa perlu have fun? Ya iya lah, emang idup lo mau gitu sedih melulu? Ngga kan, ya kan? Jadi, pada dasarnya di bulan kedua di tahun 2014 kita perlu membenahi diri lagi dan lagi atas apa yang udah di jalani sebulan yang lalu atau yep tepatnya bulan Januari. Masih inget dong sama resolusi yang ente-ente tulis di tahun 2013 untuk diwujudkan di tahun 2014? Nah loh, udah tercapai belum? Sebagian mungkin iya, sisanya banyak yang engga. Resolusi pada dasarnya ya sama istilahnya dengan memperbaiki diri. Mungkin ini baru tanggal belia di bulan Februari, mulailah isi hari-hari di hidupmu dengan lebih banyak cinta dan kasih sayang. Ngga perlu muluk-muluk harus bagiin coklat, bunga, atau hadiah ke keluarga, tetangga, tukang sayur, tukang bakso, dosen, pegawai TU, kucing peliharaan, dan tukang ribut pacar. Ngga perlu. Cukup tunjukkin kalau apa yang kamu lakukan harus dilandasi rasa ikhlas, suka, dan rela~ Itu cukup lah buat merangkum satu simbol, “CINTA”. Namanya cinta juga ngga harus romantis, yang penting eksotis (apaan sih?) Well then so, WELCOME TO “A FULL OF LOVE” MONTH and keep struggling^^

Tuesday 28 January 2014

5 Recommended Songs to Upgrade Your Tracklist!

Written by Ria Alyson at 15:58 0 comments
Iseng ah, berhubung cerpen dan cerbung belum kelar editing, daripada gak posting mending gue bahas aja beberapa lagu recommended yang gue denger akhir-akhir ini.

Menurut gue sih beberapa lagu yang gue kasih disini ya yang pastinya udah bikin gue enjoy gitu waktu dengerin. Ya sih, selera musik orang berbeda-beda, mulai dari SKA, Reggae, Dangdut, Pop/Indie, Rock, Metal, Alternative, Dance, Country dan lainnya. Tetapi daripada playlist gak update lagu, mending coba download lagu-lagu ini ya. Moga suka! Cekidot! :3

1. Timber by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha
ImageLagu yang nangkring di posisi pertama Billboard Hot 100 minggu ini emang bener-bener ngebius pendengarnya loh! Kalo menurut gue sih ini lagu asik didenger. Walau gue bukan “expert”-nya dibidang musik, tapi dijamin buat siapapun yang emang doyan sama musik-musik Barat pasti suka deh lagi Timber-nya si “botak” Pitbull dengan si “nakal” Ke$ha hahaha. Musik yang di mix antara Hip-Hop, Pop, Dance asyik deh buat didenger dan nambah semangat ;)
Mau dapet lagunya? Beli di iTunes! :p
Atau free download disini.

2. Conor Maynard – R U Crazy
ImageSi ganteng Conor Maynard yang lahir di Brighton, Inggris pada tanggal 21 November 1992 juga berhasil membius gue lewat lagunya yang berjudul “R U Crazy” dimana premier videonya tayang di bulan Agustus 2013 sukses membuat penggemarnya terkagum-kagum dilihat dari beberapa komentar di Channel Youtube-nya. Yup, Conor emang selain ganteng, suaranya keren, lagu yang dihasilin juga ALL OUT deh. Selain masuk ke dalam “The Wanted’s Most Wanted Top 50″ di Channel MTV Live, lagu “R U Crazy” Conor juga berhasil membuatnya lebih populer dari Justin Timberlake loh! Karena memang suara dan style Conor mirip dengan JT :D 
Penasaran sama lagunya? Klik disini.

3. Story Of My Life by One Direction
one-direction-story-of-my-life-lyrics2-300x300Setelah berhasil membuat penggemarnya, Directioners, “fangirling” dengan hasil karya boyband asal Inggris-Irlandia itu, kini boyband yang beranggotakan lima orang tersebut membuat single baru setelah “Best Song Ever” yang menjadi original soundtrack film mereka yaitu berjudul “Story Of My Life”. Ya, dari judulnya bisa ditebak kalau lagu ini tuh menceritakan kisah-kisah para personil One Direction semasa mereka kecil hingga sukses seperti ini. Lagu ini mendapat tanggapan positif dan luar biasa oleh para pecinta musik. Beberapa dari mereka mengaku terharu dan bahkan menangis lho ahaha :D
Ya udah silahkan download disini aja lagunya ya :D 

4. Let Her Go by Passenger
Kali ini bakal ngasih lagu galau ah. Lagu ini masih nangkring juga di Top  10 Billboard Hot 100 loh. Buat cowo galau, ga bisa move on, sakit hati, hancur berkeping-keping bagai butiran debu halah cocogg denger lagu ini sih. Iya mellow gitu juga deh :3

Di dukung sama suaranya si Passenger, lagu ini jadi bener-bener nyentuh banget di hati :”””’)
Daripada makin galau, mending download dulu deh cuuuus disini :D 

5. Show Me by Kid Ink ft. Chris Brown
Show_Me_Kid_Ink Yeah show me yeah! Begitu denger lagu ini gue langsung wuuuuuuuuuuus cari dan download loh. Ga diragukan lagim gue jatuh cinta sama lagu-lagu bergenre kaya gini. Wahaha.
Selain gaya khas menyanyinya Chris Brown, lagu ini memang mungkin sengaja dibuat untuk orang-orang yang suka Hip-Hop (ya iyalah! Emang genre-nya gitu.) Lagu ini juga wajib masuk MP3 Player nih, asyik juga buat dance :D

Silahkan deh nikmatin sendiri lagunya disini :3

Nah nah, itu 5 lagu yang gue rekomenin buat followers dan visitors semua. Semoga suka ya! See ya later! :D

Sunday 26 January 2014

Herbal Tips: How To Clean "Black Spot" On Face

Written by Ria Alyson at 23:15 0 comments
I don't know why I wrote this tips. Cause I'm f'cking tired of black spot on my face, I tried a lot of ways to clean them. So, these ways will probably help you lighten your face and make it stunning. Here are the ways how to clean up the black spot on face due to acne effect.

Using Lemon

Lemon is believed by many people to clear acne or pimples and the other skin problems. How to use it?
  1. Get some fresh lemons
  2. Blend them till get dissolved
  3. Pour them prosperously on cotton
  4. Wipe the cotton to the black spot
  5. Leave it for 15 minutes
  6. Rinse it clearly and carefully
  7. Do it regularly for an optimal result

Using egg (white part only) and honey

  1. Mix the white part of egg with honey quitely
  2. Apply them on black spot
  3. Rinse face thoroughly
  4. Do it regularly for an optimum result
    These two ways I use them regularly and it's been proven(:
    May these ways helping you lovely people!


    Friday 17 January 2014

    Midnight Post; Edisi Setengah Galau & Waras

    Written by Ria Alyson at 01:35 0 comments
    "Lama-kelamaan aku menyadari. Cinta bukan soal keegoisan, tapi mengenai kedewasaan. Sikapmu sekarang akan menunjukkan hasilnya di masa mendatang. Berpikirlah dewasa. Jangan egois. Cinta bukan melulu soal bermesraan, berduaan, dan jalan bareng tiap hari, tetapi bagaimana dua insan menyikapi masalah yang menimpa di depan mata mereka. Kekuatan cinta, rasa tulus, dan sayang adalah sebuah ramuan untuk menghadapi segala permasalahan yang ada. Pendam rasa marah dan kecintaan pada diri sendiri, mulailah berpikiran luas akan masa depan. Semoga dengan cinta, hidupmu akan selalu ceria dan bermakna :)"

    Written by: Alyson
    January, 17th 2014
    @1:18 a.m

    Sunday 12 January 2014

    Totally Single, guys.

    Written by Ria Alyson at 17:53 0 comments
    "If you can find your true love in a little time, so for what reason you live with a person forever that isn't exactly love you?"

    I wanna share my story, exactly my love story --in short or probably resume--. Here's what I feel about myself and my feeling.
    You know guys that sometimes if a girl already gave everything for her lover, she'll probably feel broken, insecure, lonely, and gah I won't mention it. It hurts really.

    Okay. First I have a boyfriend, oh noes, I had had a boyfriend since 3 years ago. We shared everything. Love, time, money, happy, and sad. We were happy at first, but too much hurt I felt then. I was really happy because there was someone beside me lift up my pain. After feeling happy --at first-- he was really good, careful, and anything about good side of a boy, then I felt something strange. People maybe call it as "heartache". 

    What had he done to me? A lot. He played behind me. He betrayed my love. He said he won't. He would be honest, but at last he's just like a stupid fake liar. I hate him till now. Really. 

    We all now, that honest is the important value in our life. WE MUST, MUST AND MUST FRANKLY SAY ABOUT EVERYTHING, though it hurts our heart, than we keep it secret but someday it's gonna be leaked. Oh.

    At all I just wanted to say that be careful to your lover. Use your day with her/him wisely. At least, I've found someone that could erase my pain. In three days after I broke up with him, I've finally moved on :-)

    I say, "If you can find your true love in a little time, so for what reason you live with a person forever that isn't exactly love you?"

    That's all what I wanted to say, I just want to pour my feeling here. Bye :-)

    Thursday 26 December 2013

    Happy Holiday Everybody

    Written by Ria Alyson at 20:51 0 comments
    Geez. It was long journey in college. Too much job I had to do before. But now, I'm enjoying my two weeks holiday aaaah feeling so fresh really! So, in this post I'd like to wish you wonderful holiday, guys!

    WELCOME 2014

    May we get better next year and fix all of the mistakes we made in the past year. Hope we all can reach our best future!! :)

    *peek-a-boo* Haha may 2014 gives us full of luck, bye! *smooch*

    Saturday 7 December 2013

    Tribal Tattoos; One Thing about Art & Fashion

    Written by Ria Alyson at 13:57 0 comments
    "Tribal, that is something related to tribe means as a symbol. The symbol; tribal may describes the tribe’s identity, language, and the characteristics of the members in (Oxford University, 1995)"

    Ooops.. I've been so busy lately. Now, I want to share you one thing about art & fashion, it is tattoos. I made this article about several weeks ago for my job. Not to publish them at first, but I think this article would be my database if someday I lost it. Okay, enjoy this article!~

                                                                            *** ***

    Tribal Tattoos as the Tattoo’s Creations to prettify our Bodies

                In this ultimate fashionable era, there are a lot of eye-catching things which steal our full attention as consumers in fashion world or even modern art. Maybe there are approximately more than 1,000 kinds of fashion start from head to feet. And, nowadays, one of the trending topics that are endlessly to be talked is tattoos, especially tribal tattoos. Tribal tattoos are kind of innovation of tattoos’ design which has been known to the world in 2006 and it’s getting popular because of its unique. Tribal tattoos, at first is always related to tradition and traditional art, but it can be modified as beauty as it is that makes it more catchy and looks pretty whenever it is applied in some of body’s parts.
                Men, as the biggest consumers of tattoos need to know about tribal tattoos for men and  its drawings. Tribal tattoos for men most likely have many kind of design. There are simply line which combined as complex one, grey work, black work, lot of colors, until the type of killer tribal tattoos. Beside those several of design, tribal tattoos drawings are usually made through manual ways using pencil and drawing equipment to make it more suitable with the consumers’ demand, and of course for a beauty reason. But, because of this modern era, some people may draw the tribal tattoos using some sophisticated media.
     Tribal tattoos letters is one of tribal tattoos’ design too and tribal letters is also one of the ways how to make complex drawings of tribal tattoos itself. There are many kinds of tribal tattoos letters. We can modify them or make our name, initial, drawing and so on. Tattoo lettering itself has been so famous lately.
                Tribal tattoos also have their own meanings behind its unique. Tribal, that is something related to tribe means as a symbol. The symbol; tribal may describes the tribe’s identity, language, and the characteristics of the members in (Oxford University, 1995). So, besides as the drawing to beautify our bodies, tribal tattoos have a lot of meanings behind. In addition, tribal tattoos are believed as a media for expressing religion too. In the other words, tribal tattoos mean as the identity of the person who uses it. Whether it is good or not, it depends on their personality.
                 Based on those kinds of tribal tattoos above, we can divide some types, origins, and yet divide them into their placement too. One of the most well-known tribal tattoos is tribal armband tattoos. Tribal armband tattoos is usually placed in arm and it’s like a band that surrounds all over the arm. It’s the famous one type of tribal tattoos. It can be chosen as a model if we want to get such tribal tattoos.
                Lately, tribal tattoos are popular not only for men, but also for women. Hawaiian tribal tattoos are included to tribal tattoos’ design, so are half sleeves tribal tattoos design. We can take a lot at the reality now gender is no longer as the barricade for everyone who wants to get some tattoos, even it’s loved by women. These both two kinds of tribal design are usually used in shoulder, arm, back hand and the others. Hawaiian tribal tattoos mostly have girly design but not all, such as, flowers, leaves, animals, and fancy design. Usually this design represents the culture in Hawaii. Not only girly design. We can find the other Hawaiian tribal tattoos design for men such as wheel, kappa, and reptile. These design for men are mostly placed in shoulder and it’s called as shoulder tribal tattoos. It has no differences at much with half sleeves tribal tattoos which have Hawaiian or others design. Therefore, tribal tattoos are mostly chosen by a lot of people who want to get some tattoos to prettify and have a good-looking painted-body.


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