Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Think All Over Again (another concern about student's facts)

Written by Ria Alyson at 12:22
In this era, people not only look for those who have a high degrees, a well-educated person, but also these things; skill and will.

Oh well. After long-tired weeks or probably months, I can write and start to share again about what I've already thought about. I just wanted to tell you about my whole story and its meaning behind my daily life; college.
Have you known? College seems enjoyable and easy to be faced. I believe that most of us have the same mind-set about it. We can go-back-go-back again to the campus anytime we like. Of course we also have some reasons. Maybe some of us enjoy using the free internet service. Or because there's something ---extracurricular-- to do in campus. And maybe on the other hands, they think that campus is the best place to look for "partners", yeah I guess you know about what I mean ;)
But wait, do you really know the essential meaning about being a college student? Why study in university? What would we get there? Future? Really? Most likely yes. But, nowadays we can see the fact that people who are success not only those who study in college. So? Why?
Here's I've got some concern about today's facts.
  • Studying in a university or in a college means that you'll be responsible to think logically to overcome the problems.
  • If you're a college student, I guess you've been so ready to face the consequences and its risk.
  • If we realize more, studying in university makes us different from those who aren't.
Are they wrong? Not really. Most likely we've already realized it. In this era, people not only look for those who have a high degrees, a well-educated person, but also these things; skill and will. See? Look at the fact, now. We can see "those people" who've already succeed in their own business or sector are those who have big skill and will. Education isn't the only one that influences our future/job. But there are skill and will.
So, the problem is about how to improve skill when we study in university. It's simple. Try. What kind of try? 
  • Seek your skill. There are so many skill in human's personal. Every single person has their own characteristics. Is it singing? Writing? Speaking? Dancing? Programming? Or?
  • Make-up your skill. Already found it? Let's move! If you like singing, go to a music studio, singing course, and so on.
  • Lift your skill up. Done with the make-up. Now it's your time to lift it up and be confident! Doing your skill in part time makes you feel more confident and enjoy. So, slow but sure, you'll need a time to show it off!
  • Show off your skill. It's different with "arrogant" or whatever you call it. Show off means you should tell the world about what you've got already and what you've done so far. Go looking for some competitions and join it. Try to not to be shy! You'll love to show it off because you've got your own skill that you love at much!
  • Continuously done. Do it, do it, do it again. Until you can earn money from your skill! Ah it's the climax part! You'll feel enjoy and find it interesting to do every time.
So far, that tips believed by my friends and some of them already done it. I thought those are simple ways and I believe you've also known about it. I flash-you-back and remind you to keep moving and don't stop walking to reach your dreams. So, beside you're studying in the university, you can also improve your skill whenever you have a free stock of time, and wherever you are. Be a well-educated and well-skilled person ahah! That's all~ :) *smoooooooooooch*


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